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Thoughts of the Objective Observation of a Non-binary

Writer: Shannon Lee PerryShannon Lee Perry

Speaking on the topic of female - male balance & aggression.

I want to take the time to explain, fair & simply, a few thoughts I have personally, on a sign of the times model of male & female macro interaction.

"I'm not surprised the genders aren't reconciled, and at each others throats. Males have created a world that revolves around the ego itself, and within containment, here the female lives & dwells. Oddly polarized, and moving farther from a mother-father model, the ego doesn't present solutions. I am willing to melt the very chains with the fire in the following statements."

"Naturally a woman is disadvantaged, as the mans ego states that out of "love" did the actions of his being are in full production of the female of the species. Man often confuses the heart with the ego."

"We know, according to Freud, that satisfying an ego generates short-comings, because the egos job generally is trying to satisfy the id."

"If a female steps out independently from male, and his creations, observantly stating, as I have, intuitively it is difficult to simply "survive". Men are "right", in the sense that they have "created" this with the intent to do such that benefits only male needs, with the expectation that is what woman would be happy with."

"What if the female of the species wants to do the same to the male species?"

"For a woman to discover mans deepest secrets and fear, is what puts a female of the species at great risk, and threat toward man."

"It is observed through the way I have had multiple relationships that are descriptive of a "femme-fatal", "dragon lady". Why do you think these terms exist towards the female of the species?"

"A male of a higher intellect understands, and is not in any great fear or danger, that the female of the species fully & completely understands the full disclosure of a males characteristics. Specific characteristics that males might unknowingly not disclose, is inferiority, superiority-complex, and quite often when exposed will rebel with a large dose of narcissism. These are all components of a defensive system of traits that assist the male of the species at maintaining dominance over the female of the species."

"As a non-binary viewpoint, as developments of the mind expand consciousness for the whole human race, no longer accepting the religious doctrine that condemns accompaniment of multiple acknowledgements of the sexes, gender, gender rules, gender norms to suit a religious agenda of conformity, obedience, acquiescence in society. The religious agenda is to mold all humans into submission to a deity. Except, the ones who speak of the deity, or know the most about the deity, is male."


Digest that.

"The chain will not withstand the fire." -Shannon Perry

"It isn't a female's intent to be accused of, or to "be" a male. This is a general conclusion for an uneducated indoctrinated uncritically conformed conservative male species."

"With the upmost respect for the human race, gender aside, stop labeling "strong women", if you don't understand why they reject your societal religious framework. I have zero intention of "being a male species". Even when a statement like this is said, it still should be understood that defining "being a male species", is a complexity of governance and religious seriousness."

"Strong women being made an enemy."

"It is that we want to be women who are just as entitled as the male species operates. We want to create a world for us to live in too, one that doesn't revolve around superiority, but human kindness, love. A world that the male species would be also proud of the female species that she would create. A world that would also make the male species heart melt with jealousy, but rejoice in unity of love and adoration towards humanity, one-another."

"Remember superiority is the disease of the male species. Logically, there are billions of men in this world. How could you continue on believing that you are superior given that number. One-hundred years on earth is not long enough for you to prove superiority. Understandably, time is relative, and history concludes that the only superiority is : existence itself. Given existence as we know it, is natural. We don't have control over existence, we have only control over destruction. Our bodies finely tunes to the sound of eternity through pro-creation. We effortlessly continue to exist."

"To the female of the species : The healthiest thing I have done for the Rudyard Kipling's, female of the species, is walk the back yard alone, of mans efforts, and stumble through the destructive nature the male species created, in his world. In his image through race, religious, economic wars have the male species failed miserably and it is time for us to unify to save humanity."

"I have stomped, cried like a bitch, thrown things, screamed at the top of my lungs, wrote poetry, songs, expressed myself in such a rebellious fashion that no one could ignore the cries of the female of the species."

"We can do better than this."

"In civility, in unity, in agreement we will be successful moving the future of the human race to be successful, but not until the ego is shelved."

"To the female of the species : We're already the inferior of the species we REFLECT. Don't forget it!"


One Badass Female of the Species

Shannon Perry


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