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Accelerating the Future with Tesla

Writer: Shannon Lee PerryShannon Lee Perry

It is about damn time!

The very next day, the day after Christmas 2018, I was booked a session at the local "Tesla" in Littleton Colorado, conveniently within the real estate parameters of a Jag dealership.

Just guess what I did?

I test drove, for the very first time, not just a car, but the accelerating feeling that we are finally at an evolutionary standoff between right and what has terribly gone wrong.

Tesla is an emotional test drive. As you first approach the vehicle, the loving touch of the "Gentleman" feature is always on. Insuring Elon's eloquence and care for humans.

What makes the "Gentleman" door feature so great? There are numerous retirees in our country as the population ages, so does the need grow for intelligent lifestyle features for some of our greatest "care for human need" products. When we consider large purchases, such as a car, who actually thinks about how heavy a door is for a fatigued suffering human with intensive medical conditions? The alleviation of small sufferings for some, really make the world of difference.

It is also an absolutely romantic experience, for me to walk right up to my sweet loving car for it to return a sense of care to open the door for me. In the name of all things "husbandry", this feature is the Creme DE La Creme. As a Southern raised bell, I cannot swoon enough about how much I love for a man, or a car to open the door for me.

After the initial "Gentleman Greeting", I felt safe and comfortable but still timid. I am somewhat a tiny bit intimidated with so many political opinions on the car company that is changing our world dramatically for the better. I hear the opposition who constantly tear down one of the greatest innovations of our time in the back of my mind, constantly challenging my decision to improve my lifestyle with this purchase.

Beyond innovation, and the collective minds who have taken technological advancement, physics, electromagnetism (electromagnetic force and electrochemical storage), and advanced manufacturing to produce a car that cares enough about humans to open the door for you, speaks loud.

I know you have seen the videos of tired and stressed out Elon Musk. It is his everything just to give you the best car for the brightest future, additionally solving some economic imbalances.

As you know, for the past ten to twenty years, we have struggled largely in part economically as a few large governed bodies of our social framework struggle with personal morals of wealth distribution, and ethical standards of care for economic stability. Some of those industries have included both the auto industry, real estate industry, and banking. As you watch our economy crumble due to the harsh nature of a capitalistic society and the role greed plays, it is easy to label Elon Musk a Modern day Robin Hood archetype.

How does Tesla solve economic pitfalls?

Tesla, is an American based manufacturing company, with a multi-national presence.

I understand that some of our U.S.A. based energy industries competitors are going to be minimal in the efforts to generate incomes.

Do not fret and retaliate in the name of these dinosaur industries! Encourage them to re-invest into the future of sustainable energy conservation practices. It is not the financial end-all-be-all to their lively hood. It is a simple conversion. Taking one element, and turning it into a better element. This phase of our economy is called "ECONOMIC ALCHEMY".

As we grow painfully so through our learning curves for a more sustainable economy and future, we must all agree at some point that coal and oil are direct contributors to illness and harm of agriculture industry's abilities to produce healthy crops and food for our families. As you can see, Kimbal Musk's priorities to create healthy lifestyle food source and partnership with Big Green.

Breaking a dependency!

It is extremely hard to break dependency. When an economy is based on only one source, then it becomes an economic dependency. Remember when president George Bush was the president, and our fuel cost threshold was at 5.00$ a gallon? When energy sources that play a large role in our economy go to the extreme to generate profits, we become the slaves to the market. We have many elements in our lives that, like puppets, governing bodies pull strings at different time continuum to create the economic ripple for a sort of measured and calculated beneficiary. Hardly the beneficiaries are the people.

We are alive, aware, and awake!

Back to the Tesla...

I'm in the Model X Tezzla. The "Gentleman" feature just opened the door for me. The Co-Pilot Stuart starts to give me the rundown on how to drive this sex kitten. I can't hold back how much I want to flirt with this car. Let's Play! Road TIME!

First thing first, adjust the seat. Lower lumbar is so important. I drive full time for a ride-share company. I spend a full work week and overtime in a drivers chair. There are three adjustments to support the spine. I also work out to alleviate internal body pain, and sometimes the back is a bit sore. Immediately, I noticed relief with these important Tesla driver seat features.

My steering wheel is warm. It is Colorado in the winter time. Need I say more?

Buckle Up buttercup, you're in for a treat!

The screen in a Tesla is the home for every feature, easily navigated with the touch of a finger.

My mirrors need adjusting. The autopilot is calibrating.

We are warm now.

Next, the lovely "old dominion" semi pulls up, and were determining left or right, because it is parked fairly close in front of Model X.

I am really not heartbroken over not having overloads of buttons strategically placed all over the car that are singularly functional. They remind me of clutter compared to the multi-functional computer touch screen home for what should be simple internal car "functions", satisfies me.

Satisfactory smile. I am being escorted by a true Gent.

Foot pedals for driving. This was predictably my biggest fear. Two very important details. The brake can be pressed a tiny bit harder, to implement a parking brake simulation activating the disability of idol.

Brake, It literally felt calibrated to a really big foot pressing on the brake.

(um, thanks for that *big cheesy grin)

You can relieve your foot from pedals while you are at a red light, or stuck in heavy soul-crushing traffic. To dis-able the feature, just press on the pedal.

Electric pedal... Not Gas Pedal (*I repeat over & over, Not a fuel car)

The energy pedal release features smart breaking. You reduce your forward force by taking foot off energy pedal. Which serves toward a brake function. Overall, the two pedals genius assist to relieve some drivers knee pain. I get stiff in I.C.E. cars from holding the brake, or holding the gas pedal while driving. I constantly use the cruise control.

The smart pedals brake and energy system created a "care for human need" based feature for long distance drivers, and relief of possibly long term joint and knee medical problems.


We determined the right course of action would to choose left, based on my very human ability of spacial intelligence. Model X utilized shades of warning color schematics to notify driver of something of impending doom, risk, or danger.

If I fared too close to the object surrounding a 360 degree parameter of the car, the dashboard is implemented with the warnings, rather your typical gas mileage I.C.E. feature.

Two major things to note. We replaced the GAS mileage with SAFETY features. We reduced cost of driving, and improved safety of driving just by choosing a Tesla. This is economic Alchemy. We are converting the car, and bad economics to good and sustainable.

It's like bowing out of a fuel industry, and creating a new industry where were not abused financially any longer in our micro-economies, and we don't abuse our natural environment to where we can't grow healthy crops. The wins are not calculated enough.

The Husbandry of the Tesla is under appreciated. This is such a good choice, for both male and female, single or family.

If you want to impress, buy a Tesla.

If you want to feel loved and safe, buy a Tesla.

If you want to protect your family, buy a Tesla.

If you want to conserve the agriculture industry and care about our food supply, buy a Tesla.

If you want a car that defies the Kelly Blue Book standards, and holds true value when you calculate the conversion of road miles to lifespan of car, buy a Tesla.

The ideas of Kelly Blue Book for EV have to be, quite literally, re-calibrated. We used to, in our closed systematic process of managing the dead or dying I.C.E. car, resort to hustling and selling, going through the emotions of managing an internal combustion engine. K.B.B. is based on a lifespan of mileage, wear and tear, and a motors inability to sustain longevity. I.C.E. cars literally die on us. We have to fix and repair.

Do we really want to MANAGE the DEAD, and contribute to pollution?

(click the link)

A Tesla car will outlive a human being. There is a generational wealth investment intelligent design implemented in the decision to purchase a Tesla brand vehicle.

You pay for a car whose "gear" last longer that one million miles, as tested in Elon's laboratory.

Even if you purchased a Tesla at the highest cost of 138,000$ according to this website:

With our old standards of equating car value : base it on one million miles divided by 138,000$.

~Cost Per Mile = .138 mile per dollar or .14 cents per mile.

(We pay I.C.E. cars gas tanks and pollution 2-5$ a gallon based on government decisions and puppeteering economy)

~Average Drive Miles Per Year = 10,000-20,000

~10,000 Miles a year cost 1,380$ of your total price

~100 Years = 138,000$ or cost of car

Do we still want to serve the dead or dying I.C.E. car system?

Please note that this car is an award winning center of gravity safety tool of transportation. Literally distributed mass sums to zero , using science, the car invoked the highest measurable safety standard for a car. It is only going to get better.

Ok... Lets wrap up the test drive.

We looped a Littleton, Colorado boulevard the day after Christmas. It is going into 2019, and I can confidently condone the companies mission, and that Elon is delivering you multiple family solutions.

Tesla is NOT just a car decision, Tesla is a better life decision for everyone!

Time to Accelerate the future.


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