Dictionary result for devaluation
/ˌdēˌvalyəˈwāSH(ə)n/noun : the reduction or under estimation of the worth or importance of something.
"the general devaluation of expertise in our culture"
Oh Hi,
Devaluation of our Economy - I cannot say this enough.
We live in a period of an economic devaluation. An emphasis of self-serving ideological dependencies imposed on great numbers of people existent to the economy.
What is the foundation of what makes companies overall prosperous?
Variables : combinations of technologies, intelligence manifested into action, strategy, and people.
1- Government & Role
2- 400 Corporate Entities - Why the companies that serve the needs of consumers believe they are entitled to superiority, rather community.
3- Absorbent Practices of large fish eating smaller fish (insinuation that the small fish don't deserve to exist.)
4-Economic Slavery - What does this mean?
5-Multi-layer Society operating in their own worlds excluding and exploiting a working class. Working class is treated as not as valuable role in part of co-existing society, but merely a means to an end.
6- Why are 400 companies material manifestation is no longer valued?
It is important to get the message across to the 400 corporations, and leaders of existing operations, that materials and possessions are devalued based on : ability, stress imposed on consumer, lack of employment, wages rendered, and time taken away in order to achieve consumer goods.
You kind of set yourself up in your own trap of self-interest.
So how did 400 companies devalue by working against consumers?
7-Conclusion - corporations literally cut their own throats by utilizing government to work in favor of business rights over consumers value & time valuation.
Our Government, and the role it plays in our lives as "THE PEOPLE"
Let's not exclude that 100 Percent of the population are consumers.
AS if THAT isn't enough...
Giving access to companies abilities to measure through banks, and secondary loan agencies 100 percent of your incomes, to be able to extract more than your income, then charge you interest on the loan based on a time formula.
Credit industry...
The idea that borrowing for services or goods rendered is worth indebtedness.
When companies devalue consumers by utility of lobby and self-interest, immediately negates the companies core values of their original intents of a good service or product offering.
When an entrepreneur opens a business, does the owner think of itself, or the contribution to society?
The greatest companies manifest their business purpose through the mission statement.
Gloria Horsley, Open To Hope
Horsley's statement is “To help people find hope after loss" who helps more than 500,000 people each year with articles on hope and inspiration. She travels the globe and encourages others to "be the comfort for others that have suffered a loss in their life. Even if it's just a hug, that will help more than words could ever express."
Economic & financial prosperity is at a loss for majority of people in the USA.
Exploring the link you can tell the mission statement is her true core value for humanity, and her life purpose.
Success is defined in numerous ways, and it is for sure that business' general primary goal is to generate profit.
Jeff Bezo's,
The mission and vision of is: Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
The mission statement of Amazon doesn't offer anything protective for the consumer or the employees unfortunately. Desire to be the Earth's largest online retail source for discovery comes at a great cost to societies micro economies.
If desired to follow the mission statement of earths e-commerce monopoly, then you take on the responsibilities of the deficit effect on the micro scale in order to balance realistic economic prosperity. This is WHY, it is important for all States, if not Countries to adopt the Interstate Commerce Law so that it protects the economies micro-economics in each geographical area. No offense (e-commerce) trojans, but Amazon is the least philanthropic company, & the most responsible for micro economic deficit in the whole EARTH. Refer to the philosophical & universal law written by Walter & Lao Russel. Concept: "opposition in motion", you know every thing consequently has and opposite and equal reaction. So, it is not hard to target where the financial prosperous micro economic failures lie. Yes, science & mathematics can definitely target the real problems.
Yes, Amazon offers marketing, but it is not free. Amazon's fees is 15% per shipping cost, 15% retail cost, and 15% "amazon fee", (double tax) which is after both shipping cost and retail cost is deducted from your profit. There are 2 options on how to sell through Amazon as a "business owner". Amazon knows the work demand of high retail sales and suggest the business owner to send all goods to an "amazon warehouse" for business owners to be relieved of physical shipping work. This service cost more in percentage taken from sales. In summary, Amazon utilized people with dreams of making a business or profit from their good ideas & products, or ability to manifest entrepreneurship, additionally limiting their capabilities with the seller, not knowing they are just a "BUYER" in a monopolistic supply chain. It seems like a good idea because you are a new entrepreneur. Just know, you're playing a very small role in hurting micro-economies in society by participating, and thus contributing to the declination of physical retail stores, and the ability for those companies to supply more to general public.
"This can all change, without damaging e-commerce entrepreneurship & business goals, by example : Amazon investing in each state level government a position resident statistician, to utilize and study the micro-economies. Additionally, technologically improve e-commerce boundary systems much like the geographical state lines micro economics, internally. This level of involvement is necessary, and will create "fairness" overall per each state. Not only does this serve positive for each state, it will improve profits for both seller, Amazon, & fiercly contribute to financial prosperity. In conjunction, the Interstate Commerce Law to be enacted towards e-commerce opportunistic companies will created the legal standard for all e-commerce to protect micro economies within our nation. Respectfully towards all participants.
Tesla & Elon Musk
Consumer-ly speaking, I do not, however enjoy being haggled by a car sales man. In which started selling cars completely online assisting in alleviation of such practices. This is a more appropriate industry for selling things online, given the current state of disrespect towards consumers financial prosperity.
Historically, banks & lenders are raping consumers with high interest loans, and figuring out how to utilize "Rule of 78's" mathematics to generate as much profit for a "pre-formulated paper pusher" banking system.
BANKS feel entitled to the same amount of MONEY that a MANUFACTURER would make off the sell of one car.
"Bankers think they are equal to the engineers, laborers, creative teams, tech companies, vendors, international trade work, transportation, scientist, and mathematicians etc... (list goes on and on) of what it entails for a MANUFACTURER to produce a quality product."
Why do you think you are entitle long term financial prosperity to the degree the manufacturer is putting in the work to exist. This is a large pitfall in economics. Banks are a temporary solution, and should be looked as a utility in the big picture.
Excuse me, but a labor force employs many times more the work force than a banking system ever will, and with greater reward. The manufacturer needs more money to operate longer, and to properly pay individuals a living wage. Banks suppress the ability of the manufacturers, which in turn harm economic prosperity.
I believe the manufacturers are being financially suppressed by the banks that offer lending services, which suppresses the consumers ability to freely spend, or save money.
Selling a car in the current "Franchise" system, is being very negatively distinguishable & disrespectful towards financial prosperity of the population. This type of distinguish-ability is throwing every other industry off, so hold TIGHT. We can fix these problems. Limiting banks on how much profit they can make off car loans is a good start. Specifically, car loans. I target this specific demand just like they did when in 1993 they generalized the mathematics, and decided as long as they "pre-formulate" "Rule of 78's" loan and call it simple interest, then they can still suppress the consumer by not offering any other way to purchase a vehicle. Consumers are HAGGLED by the credit & banking system by taking away autonomy of purchase power.
This is a secret practice through the monopolistic franchise car buying system. This is WHY monopolies are dangerous!
Consumer wants to purchase a new car, gets no other choice but a high interest loan and penalization for average credit scores.
Consumer gets only one pre-calculated "rule of 78's" option for purchase otherwise the ultimatum is you do not get to purchase the car.
Consumer knows how fast life is, and doesn't have time to waste.
Now consumers financial prosperity is trapping them in a loan that the bank makes more off of financing than the manufacturer makes off the car.
End result is tragic long term financial despair.
Not the manufacturers fault.
So why are banks making more than the larger contributor to society?
Manufacturers contribute in society to labor, jobs, stability, & consumer need.
Banks just take money, and hardly positively contribute to society. Financial hardship is the largest contribution to society from a bank.
Next Topic & Examples :
Company Y offers the BEST OIL for your ICE car. Company Y places large pride on the ability to offer consumers the product that will be the best choice, and best price for individuals who consume company Y's BEST OIL.
Company Y offers good at 30$ for 8oz retail auto product.
Now company Y is in peril, because company X offers same product different label for 25$.
Now company Y profit are competitive. Company Y is threatened by company X.
Company Y takes 5 extra additional dollars made on every sale to go lobby to the government that company X is hurting company Y. Company X should be damaged so company Y makes more money.
In the process - THE PUBLIC who CONSUMES both Company Y & Company X product just wants a reliable product. Doesn't give a shit about a red label from a blue label.
At this time, we know that source(s) of goods generally are from the (1) source, and companies will "what you call" white label to sell with different branding.
Branding is the illusion that another company is going to take better care of you that the competition. Illogical to the core - because of Government
"Branding falls as a null factor when application of superiority through lobbing."
Branding is more of a representation of character, whereas consumers become psychologically attached to objects, or ideas.
People just want their shit to work, and not to disrupt the peace and tranquility of the best life they can create. Consumers do not want drama, problems, and time consuming frustrations. (i.e. : the utilization of telecommunication company garbage)
OIL has literally been OIL since inception. The only thing we pay the difference of is ownership and responsibility.
So while Company X and Company Y are fighting over the 5 dollar difference they set, were over here like enduring political arguing over who's good is more deserving to be sold than the other.
Sometimes Company X raises the price, which helps company Y raise the price.
Consumer LOSS in this instance, product becomes UN-affordable. This type of behavior does not just happen on product to product competition. We have 400 Top Forbes List Companies who are in competition to extract our pay through any means necessary.
Extended Example : Macro Industry Offerings deemed public or consumer basic consumption.
Consumer Perspective : We can label these products and services, that extract generally & collectively more than what we value them.
We do all the time, but become slaves to them.
Well what companies? - Study your bank statement.
That pie chart is 100 percent of your income, and anything with interest should be in a time pie chart coupled with your debt to income ratio and time considered.
1-Mortgage - Banks
2-Utilities - Water & Electricity
6-Insurance (the worst)
7-Phone Companies
8-Medical Insurance
9-Credit - extending to needs & wants, extenuating circumstance, business credit for intent to generate profit, all based outside of the general spectrum above of day to day life's essentials in a capitalistic culture.
10-Things that bring joy & happiness are considered a luxury???
I'm calling Bullshit
This is the box were operating in. Every one of these industries are competing to exploit your dollar through strategy, and government participation of lobbying & bills.
Why do corporations place such a high valuation on services or goods rendered to the public, after they utilize the government to lobby rules and regulations that generate a negative impact to "the consumer"?
"IF you work against the public, or consumer, you immediately devalue your own company and the necessity of the public's desire service or a product."
Therefore, I conclude, you have set up your own trap in business prosperity. The final lash is that the consumer ultimately goes bankrupt.
How is bankruptcy financially prosperous for either the company or the consumers?
Collectively the variables that contribute to this is the dependency on temp agencies to regulate workforce, the dependency on minimum wage vs. cost of living incomes. There is a larger population depending on minimum wage through labor jobs, than jobs who offer living wages. Reducing business' ability to be prosperous. Consumer financial prosperity, cost of living wages, business prosperity all depend on each other.
Next - 400 Top Forbes List & The Book Dark Money
You can literally line up 100 percent of your income to go directly to someone on this list with every expense on you bank statement.
Please Read the book "Dark Money & With Liberty & Justice for Some"
Please understand the police force is not on your side. They are the hired suppressants. Like, when Kentucky "THE PEOPLE" decided to stand up for themselves against Mitch McConnell recently. The Sunrise group were arrested for protesting at the White House, and Mitch is literally a scared rat hiding.
Please understand that the big money is in a large disagreement with government additionally. Dark Money also believes in anarchy, and is why they lobby the government for self-interest. If the government can be paid off to secure self-interest, then we have three individualistic societies operating for themselves, and not united.
CORE ISSUE - no unification
1- Elite - Corporations - Self Interested Dark Money Society
2- Government - utility of devils advocate style operation, and somewhat self-interested because there are distinguished employment for government contractors jobs, government jobs, homeland security, international relations. (middleman-but self interested)
3- The people - now the working class, and generally the ones who suffer the most while the government and elite argue about claims of what is right for "THE PEOPLE".
Interesting dynamic.
To my original point of devaluation society. Self-interest only serves one. So we have 3 self-interest groups.
How logical is it to support 400 self interest groups? Our society is the sum of the contradiction. We suffer from the contradiction of independence.
If I only have 400 dollars, but need to pay 400 people min/max amounts starting at a dollar a piece and going up (inflation plus time), then I become indebted to a creditor. The 400 people, and the creditor believe they are ENTITLED to more than 100 percent of your income.
Literally where we are at - "THE PEOPLE".
Therefore, the most important of the 3 listed above to support, would be the people as a whole. The people cover one-hundred percent of the population. The population at one-hundred percent are the consumers of the 400 self interest groups. The populations incomes are going in one direction at an excessive rate, due to inequalities.
Reasons for inequalities - the 400 lobbied against "LIVING WAGES ". Living wages do not make sense to people whose only missions statements are all about profits.
"Additionally, this means they do not calculate cost of living into labor formulations, which in turn devalues time, which contributes towards financial despair, devaluing those basic living needs industries. Suppression of your own business prosperity is to devalue labor force, and consumers."
"You need us. We're not merely a means to an end."
This is the core gap that creates the inequalities of income. Companies have been dependent on minimum wages, but our governments aren't enforcing a calculation of cost of living based on the income demand of the 400 corporations whom extract 100 percent of our incomes. The markets are in such disagreements with each other, they are ranked by need in order to exploit largest percentages of your incomes. We all use the pie chart to budget, that is how they prioritize and set their deserving piece of your pie.
The 400 self interested corporations, ideas, or people's believe to ownership of more than one hundred percent of your income is the attitude towards society that eliminated the middle class. They also utilize the word socialist & socialism to (narcissism) psychologically break society as a whole, to any one in disagreement with how they want things to go. They are the dictators of society based on how deep they can stick their hands in your pocket.
/ˈäləˌɡärkē/ noun a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. "the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president" a country governed by an oligarchy. "the English aristocratic oligarchy of the 19th century"
There is too much financial controversy between the necessitous large industries that make up more than one-hundred percent of our incomes. Our incomes are also distributed from the same 400 self interested entities. Which leads us to now an even larger portion of our incomes.
Why are we passive to ownership of our incomes?
So the people who pay us, lobbied against us, and believe that by providing a service or a material necessity that is all were deserve.
Bullshit. The people do need money. Their own money,and a protective way to save it.
HOW MUCH DO THEY NEED? That is the question they always tend to ask me.
The literal definition of slavery.
They "offer" something at a higher than ability to afford "cost" by exploiting your human needs. Additionally, offering credit if you cannot afford how high cost is, and over time. Working people are most exploited, while others are rewarded with passes on corruption, and zero regard to consumers or "THE PEOPLE".
We're not considered individuals, but consumers as a whole, a number, a receipt on the quarterly reports to the STOCK market. Stock - as in cattle. Hence, your social security number and your IRS taxes are your "worth" in society. That is how your are valued, which is flawed by the failing financial zero prosperity systems that has become the summation of those lobby events.

3- Absorbent Practices of the Larger FISH
...Every other headline is amazon wanting to absorb a new industry.
Amazon is creating a vacuum of cash flow in one linear direction... because the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA's Government will not recognize how Bezo's is becoming the most wealthy overall in the world.
Amazon's mathematics exploits individuals who want to grow an internet retail business. This largely threatened the retail industry over time.
I think, at this rate, Amazon could phase out if things don't change. Hence, why AMAZON ... the glorified original internet Walmart of the world, recently started renting real estate for some of its retail locations. It is now utilizing the individuals who want to sell their products to become the purchaser on behalf of AMAZON. Amazon is a corporate way of taking control of the supply chain.
Jeff, You are running in the wrong direction. Absorbing is not the answer.
"How can we stop the large fish from eating the smaller fish?"
"Please re-enact the Interstate Commerce rules and regulations, but for the ability of internet based retail stores to act in the same way that train was harshly scrutinized for moving goods across borders of the continental USA in 1887"
Approved on February 4, 1887, the Interstate Commerce Act created an Interstate Commerce Commission to oversee the conduct of the railroad industry. With this act, the railroads became the first industry subject to Federal regulation.
In 1887 Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act, making the railroads the first industry subject to Federal regulation. Congress passed the law largely in response to public demand that railroad operations be regulated. The act also established a five-member enforcement board known as the Interstate Commerce Commission. In the years following the Civil War, railroads were privately owned and entirely unregulated. The railroad companies held a natural monopoly in the areas that only they serviced.
Monopolies are generally viewed as harmful because they obstruct the free competition that determines the price and quality of products and services offered to the public. The railroad monopolies had the power to set prices, exclude competitors, and control the market in several geographic areas. Although there was competition among railroads for long-haul routes, there was none for short-haul runs. Railroads discriminated in the prices they charged to passengers and shippers in different localities by providing rebates to large shippers or buyers. These practices were especially harmful to American farmers, who lacked the shipment volume necessary to obtain more favorable rates.
Early political action against these railroad monopolies came in the 1870s from “Granger” controlled state legislatures in the West and South. The Granger Movement had started in the 1860s providing various benefits to isolated rural communities. State controls of railroad monopolies were upheld by the Supreme Court in Munn v. Illinois (1877). State regulations and commissions, however, proved to be ineffective, incompetent, and even corrupt. In the 1886 Wabash case, the Supreme Court struck down an Illinois law outlawing long-and-short haul discrimination. Nevertheless, an important result of Wabash was that the Court clearly established the exclusive power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. (See Gibbons v. Ogden.)
The Interstate Commerce Act addressed the problem of railroad monopolies by setting guidelines for how the railroads could do business. The act became law with the support of both major political parties and pressure groups from all regions of the country. Applying only to railroads, the law required "just and reasonable" rate changes; prohibited special rates or rebates for individual shippers; prohibited "preference" in rates for any particular localities, shippers, or products; forbade long-haul/short-haul discrimination; prohibited pooling of traffic or markets; and most important, established a five-member Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC).
The law’s terms often contradicted one another. Some provisions were designed to stimulate competition and others to penalize it. In practice, the law was not very effective. The most successful provisions of the law were the requirement that railroads submit annual reports to the ICC and the ban on special rates the railroads would arrange among themselves, although determining which rates were discriminatory was technically and politically difficult. Years later the ICC would become the model for many other regulatory agencies, but in 1887 it was unique. The Interstate Commerce Act challenged the philosophy of laissez-faire economics by clearly providing the right of Congress to regulate private corporations engaged in interstate commerce. The act, with its provision for the ICC, remains one of America’s most important documents serving as a model for future government regulation of private business.
The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 protected the people from privately owned railroads who were practicing monopolies in concentrated rural areas. Right now our people, the neighborhoods, consumers of internet based commerce are the rural neighborhoods with zero geographical (internet) boundaries for our 50 states to regulate how income comes from 50 states, directly in AMAZONS pocket. Therefore purchasing from amazon with your income, directly takes from the states economic and ability to financially re-distribute any cash flow back into swindling economies.
Amazon the big fish will continue to grow exponentially without being made to re-compensate 50 economies of scale.
The only states who somewhat re-compensate, are the states that have Amazon operations who employee.
Most recently the large controversy was Amazon offering Jobs to the State of New York, the State of New York in return responded with a hijacking of all of those human cost . Therefore, the people suffered again, and the State was going to absorb the cash negotiated to support the people. They were strategically doing this through, cost of living increases.
"This is extremely important as we invest more in technology to replace our labor force with leisure force. Financial inequalities grow oppositore in direction, and it is our duty to derail this one way train of financial disintegration."
The absolute combatant of the labor forces financial disintegration is implementing Interstate Commerce ACT towards our e-commerce sales per state.
"But merely a means to an end"
Kantian Ethics & why straying away essentially causes poverty.
Kant asserts 3 basic principles to follow to contribute toward good will, and to divert from self interest. It is important to distinguish the desire of mans achievements from his duty in business for derivatives of profitability. This can be largely achieved internally, and externally for purpose of a well rounded business.
*insertation of diabolical scheme renders of Kantian Programming into Business
*mission approved
*upward & onward space cadets
cat·e·go·ri·cal im·per·a·tive
/ˈˌkadəˈɡôrəkəl əmˈperədiv/ nounPHILOSOPHY (in Kantian ethics) an unconditional moral obligation which is binding in all circumstances and is not dependent on a person's inclination or purpose
Act according to the maxim that you would wish all other rational people to follow, as if it were a universal law.
Never treat a person as a means to an end.
The Categorical Imperative is NOT the Golden Rule ...
Act according to the maxim that you would wish all other rational people to follow, as if it were a universal law.

Kant is the rational that all companies should make a universal law of business. I know it took a long time to get to the brink of economic destruction, but making KANT's Metaphysics of Morals part of your mission statement for how to operate your business's will right all the wrongs.
I also have statistical theory that I have written to contribute to economic prosperity that was a summation and observation of all failures, with intent for all parties to continue to be prosperous with out causing harm to one another. I would like to produce a TED talk on the mathematical theory.
